The jubilee race became a record one due to the number of participants as a half and a thousand persons toed the starting line this time.
Race Nation Kazakhstan is our favorite sporting event.
We have been sponsoring and participating in the race since 2017
"Race Nation Kazakhstan" conquers not only our hearts but also our extreme compatriots, exposing the best human qualities.
Extreme athletes helped and supported each other on the track.
Prompting, and sometimes throwing up on obstacles.
Team races are a story of its own! It's much harder than a single trial because everyone suffers for a failure of any participant.
Race Nation Team is always about support, reliability and solidarity.
Team competition enables to feel a strong shoulder and support, solidating and uniting people and their efforts on the way to a common goal!
Every year, our daredevils puff, crawl and drag each other to the finish line, showing how to work as a team! By deed, not by word!